5 Grooming tips every men should know

Being a guy we don't give much attention to our basic grooming even some time we show laziness while brushing our teeth twice a day and Yes its a fact that there are some guys exist who hardly goes for shower daily as I were one of those guys so I can truly relate this fact. Cleanliness is as much important as a good look. Cleanliness also gives you some confidence. I remember how shy I used to be to interact with my surrounding ones as I were lack of that confidence which could help me and found meeting with strangers as a hardship struggle for me but with time, I realized how by taking care of my self and grooming it to help to boost my confidence and helping me to interact with others in an effective way which I am going to share today.

1. Go for shower everyday:

Taking a shower is one of the most important steps of your daily routine. It not only gives you a fresh look but also helps you to relax from your everyday hassles and hydrates your skin. Don't use bar soaps as it will absorb all the moisture of your skin, you can use any product like body wash which you found suitable for your skin but make sure that they are authentic and tested. Try to take a shower with cold water if you have a dandruff problem otherwise Lukewarm water will be best.

2. Washing Face :

This step is usually skipped by most guys or they use bar soap to wash their face which will ultimately dehydrate their skin. Try to use face wash and wash your face twice a day first in the morning after waking up and then before going to bed. You don't know how many infinite microscopic species living on your skin so don't need to skip this step. 

3. Don't Shampoo every day:

Shampooing every day will strip the essential oils of your hair and result as a dry scalp. It is recommended to shampoo at least thrice a week or four times If you have greater outdoor activities. Although we use so many products for styling purpose but can use hair conditioner to remove any product like hair Gel or paste etc from your hair instead of shampoo.

4. Exfoliate your face :

Exfoliating your face helping you to restore its original look and eliminate the buildup of the dead cells on your face. Try to exfoliate twice a week with Luke warm water 

5. Use Moisturizer :

Use a moisturizer with some SPF every day to hydrate your skin and also protect you from harmful UV rays. However, you can skip this step if you use sunscreen daily as being a guy we simply want things. 

So these were some of the basic grooming tips which I had adopted helping me feels good and giving me confidence as 50 % of your confidence is based on your looks and your body language, yeah If you want to impress someone then you surely need to follow these tips as girls find those guys more attractive who try to groom themselves.
Cleanliness is not just a good habit but also an effective way to make yourself feels good.

With all these tips also try to work out a bit with a healthy diet to further enhance your body function.

Make sure to Comment any suggestion or tip which you find important for grooming.


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